In a world where marriages can take unexpected turns, having accurate information about legal options to separate from your spouse is crucial, especially for survivors of domestic abuse and professionals who help and support survivors.
When a marriage breaks down, it can be overwhelming and scary not knowing your next steps. Partnering with TV Edwards Solicitors, our comprehensive video aims to educate and provide you with information about the legal process of divorce, answer frequently asked questions and highlight your potential next steps. We hope this video will empower domestic abuse survivors and professionals and allow anyone who is considering a divorce to take charge of their future with confidence and clarity.
This clip will cover :
- The changes to divorce law.
- What a no-fault divorce is and the procedure involved to apply.
- Why the shift to no-fault divorce is a progressive step for survivors.
- The timescale and costs involved for a no-fault divorce.
- Introducing TV Edwards Solicitors and their commitment to supporting survivors.
Our collaboration with TV Edwards Solicitors has culminated in an information-rich video resource that stands as a testament to the power of education in empowering domestic abuse survivors.