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Tag: hopetrainingconsultancy

Supporting Neurodivergent people impacted by coercive and controlling behaviour

The neurodivergent-led organisation, Neurodiverse Connection, is hosting a summit on grooming and coercive control in the context of neurodivergence, focusing on victimisation and perpetration and responses to this. Key speakers include Dr Amy Pearson (Sunderland University), Dr Nicole Renehan (Durham University), Meena Kumari (HOPE), Sav Vaid (Go Getta) Luke Martin

Cultural Competency within VAWG – Why is it Important?

Cultural competence refers to understanding, respecting, and effectively interacting with individuals from different cultural backgrounds. It involves having knowledge about different cultures, including their beliefs, values, customs, and practices, and using that knowledge to provide appropriate and effective services and support. In the context of violence against women and girls

The Power of Silence: When Leaders Need to Shut Up and Listen

In the realm of leadership, we often associate success with assertiveness, strong communication skills, and making our voices heard. While these qualities are undoubtedly valuable, there is a powerful yet underrated trait that often gets overlooked: the ability to shut up and listen. True leaders understand that silence can be

Being Culturally Competent: Shattering Excuses for Abuse

Culture is a beautiful tapestry that encompasses diverse beliefs, practices, and values. It shapes our identities, communities, and ways of life. However, cultural relativism should never be used as an excuse for abuse or mistreatment. In a world that values empathy, respect, and understanding, it is crucial to promote cultural